- 狼人杀: (The game of) Werewolf, The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow
- 上帝,法官: moderator, the God
- 身份: identity
- 狼人阵营: werewolves
- 好人阵营: townsfolk, people, human (begins)
- 平民: (normal / ordinary) villager, folk
- 神职: power role, special villager
- 狼人: werewolf
- 自刀: werewolves kill themselves, suicide
- 自爆: a werewolf declares its own identity and ends today's discussion, self-explode
- 杀人: murder, kill
- 平民: (normal / ordinary) villager, folk
- 警长: sheriff, captain
- 警徽: badge
- 选举: election
- 上警: run for the election
- 退水: quit the election
- 投票: vote
- 当选: win the election
- 继任: successor
- 继承: inherit
- 撕警徽: give up the inheritance of a badge (sheriff's identity)
- 预言家: seer, fortune teller
- 查验: check a player's identity
- 金水: a seer regards a player as a villager
- 查杀: a seer regards a player as a werewolf
- 女巫: witch
- 解药: antidote, cure, healing potion
- 毒药: poision, venom
- 银水: a witch declares a player has been murdered once
- 猎人: hunter
- 反击,复仇: retaliate, revenge
- 守卫: guard, warden, savior
- 守护: protect, guard
- 白痴: idiot
- 丘比特: Cupid
- 悍跳: a werewolf pretends to be a seer
- (自刀)骗药: (werewolves victimize one of them and) induce the witch to use her antidote
- 投票: vote
- 平票: equality of votes, tie
- 弃权: abstain
- 投票出局,放逐: vote off, exile
- 辩护: a player declares one's innocence
- 建议查验: a player suggests the seer to verify one's identity
- 划水: slackin'